Friday, April 30, 2010

...Dream came true at the Liver ICU

It has been six years since we learned that our youngest son JC had biliary atresia.
A very dreadful disease that eventually may lead to his death unless he will have to undergo liver transplant. It was very difficult for our family to accept the fact that our precious youngest child will soon die. We went on with our lives...just depending on what will happen in the future will happen. Six years of being in and out of the hospital.He had asthma attacks for almost every month. We also came to a point of telling ourselves that we can not reach our dream...our dream to save JC from dying. We met a lot of difficulties for the past six years, Jan's medical needs, my in-laws business went bankrupt twice, job problems and losing our house...a number of difficulties that made us give up to raise funds for JC's liver transplant.

But God worked in mysterious ways. He has given us a chance to save our son JC from dying. He has helped us to meet people who were very willing to help us in different ways. We arrived at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Kaohsiung on December 3, 2009. With us is the strongest faith and the belief that JC will have a successful operation. Though the operation was a complicated one for JC's spleen was too much enlarged and thus, he had to stay at the Liver ICU for almost two months. We were only given a chance to see him through a monitor at a room near the Liver ICU for three times 11am, 2pm and 8pm. We saw JC cried in pain, complained that he was having difficulty with a lot of machines and tubes connected to him. That was the longest time of our (Ronnie and I) lives.
December 15 (the date of the liver transplant) up to February 18, 2010. JC has spent his Christmas and New Year inside the Liver ICU.He also had chylous leakage then, a condition wherein the two vacuum balls attached to his body for leaks showed that proteins from his body was coming out at the same time. The fluid that was coming out of the vacuum ball measured more than two liters per day which was not good. There was also problem on his nutrition so he had to have a no oil -no fat diet in which doctors had to change his milk to a special one. Those times were the most difficult part. But because God has helped and touched our family. JC was finally healed and was transferred to the general ward on February 19. A dream that we thought would never ever happen. A dream that we thought was impossible. But our dream really came true at the Liver ICU...when we first saw JC smiled at us...a real smile of a boy without pain anymore. Truly dreams really do come true. Because with God...nothing is really impossible!

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